We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming of Tiny House living, ecological restoration and minimization to bring you a special group of posts regarding taking these concepts abroad to other countries!
We are taking a sabattical right now across the amazing continent of South America. How can you accomplish this at the ripe young age of 29 you may be asking? Well its a combination of radical blessings of stable jobs and a very full 2023 (which we will post about later). But either way, we are here, traveling north from the “fin del mundo” (end of the world) in Ushuaia Argentia all the way up to bright and sunny Columbia. Along the way we plan to have some amazing adventures, to make sure we follow CORN, meet new friends and learn spanish.
So buckle up, prepare to explore one of the lesser populated, and often overlooked continents in the world!
The overview of the trip is below, and trust me, its lengthy but we will be filling in each section of the trip with a link as we post about each leg of the trip. As you can see, our focus was on the Spanish speaking and mountainous regions of the Andes mountains (longest continental mountain chain in the world). There is no way we could have packed the vibes and activities of each country we visited into the 2-3 weeks we spent in each, but our spanish got much better, and we hit some amazing highlights of each country!
Below is the map showing each of the ares we hit in the journey in red.
Being a radical Sabbatical; the activities we did were quite crazy, from living in a yurt in the driest place on earth, to taking boats into a tributary of the Amazon, to motorcycling in rainstorms and topping it off with getting tattoos in Bogota without speaking a bit of English!
You have to obviously start with packing for living out of a single bag.
But after we took off, our itinerary looked like this:
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