Nature at Home

Remedies, embracing nature around the home, home made products, medicinal herbs, and how to make your home a more natural living space inside and out. Understanding the natural world around you can also create new and exciting experiences right in your backyard. 

Click on the posts below to see how you can get a healthy dose of nature in your life! 

  • The Yareta Plant: The Remarkable Green Jewel of the desert

    The Yareta Plant: The Remarkable Green Jewel of the desert

    Deep within the high-altitude regions of Bolivia and parts of northern Chile, thrives a strange botanical specimen known as the yareta (Azorella compacta). This extraordinary plant is sometimes called “moss lettuce” or “stone lettuce,” and even called a living boulder or green slime by…

  • Redosier Dogwood

    Bottom Line Up Front: This is one of those native shrubs that I have actually been able to find in the normal plant retailers alongside the normal brought-here-from-another-continent plants. It is commonly purchased for its winter interest, but it also can feed up to…

  • American Elderberry/Black Elderberry

    Bottom Line Up Front Elderberry is a species that you have most commonly encountered in the medicine aisle in the form of a flu remedy. That is because this plant contains a potent medicine in its berries that can help with influenza! Not only…